UNESCO resolution on Buraq Wall angers Zionist bodies

In a historical moment, this week the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) confirmed that the ‘Wailing Wall’ has no historical relevance in the Jewish faith. The United Nations’ cultural arm on Thursday passed a resolution that denied the existence of any Jewish ties to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall in a move derided in Israel as “anti-Semitic.”

Describing the monument as the Buraq Wall, the resolution demanded that Israel not restrict Muslim access to the Temple Mount, while condemning Israel for illegal measures against the freedom of worship at the holy site. It further demanded a return to the status quo, which forbids non-Muslim prayer on the Temple Mount.

Twenty-four member states voted in favour of the decision, while six voted against and 26 abstained, and two were missing from the vote.

The move comes just after, Meir Ben-Dov, an Israeli archaeological expert, asserted that the wall, has no sacred significance in the Jewish faith.

While the global Muslim community lauded the decision, Zionist bodies have come out in anger, calling for the ‘non-erasure of Jewish ties” to the world heritage site.

Following the adoption of the revolution, the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) said that it was deeply disappointed at UNESCO’s decision.

In a statement released on Friday, the body said that the UN body has effectively denied the “well documented historical connection of Jews to the Temple Mount.”

“By attempting to deny Jews and Christians this connection is tantamount to the violation of their religious rights,” the statement read.

The statement further criticised the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), saying that it was “ill-advised” and “failed to initiate the necessary consultations.”

“The SAZF calls on DIRCO to urgently apply a responsible international diplomatic effort and to affirm the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount,” SAZF stated.

Meanwhile, ex-president of the Muslim Judicial Council and renowned Palestinian activist, Maulana Igsaan Hendricks explains that the resolution is significant and is the result of the revolution of 1929, when Palestinians voted to protect the Buraq Wall, which is also referred to as the Wailing Wall or Western Wall of the Al-Aqsa compound.

For Muslims, the wall is referred to as the Buraq Wall or Baab al-Nabi, on which the Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) tied the Buraq, a winged riding animal upon which he rode during the Night of Ascension

It is also said be the area through which the Prophet (may peace be upon him) entered the compound during this event.

While Hendricks asserts that he was unsurprised by the countries that chose to vote against the UNESCO resolution, including the United States, India, and the United Kingdom, he says that the Muslim community should solute the South African Government for having voted in favour of the resolution.

In light of opposition by Zionist bodies, he further notes that more research into historical records needs to be conducted in order to support the UNESCO resolution.

Describing the resolution as a victory for both Palestinian people and the broader Muslim community, he says that it came in the face of a diversionist plan conducted by the Zionist authorities.

Hendricks further asserts that as Muslims we believe that respect for the sacred places of all religious denominations needs to be maintained.

“We believe in peaceful coexistence; historically Sayiddinah Umar chose to not perform Salah in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, since he did not want Muslim in future to proclaim the church to be a mosque,” Hendricks explained.





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