The Boorhanol Islam movement in Bo-Kaap is hosting two Muharram events this weekend, to commemorate the blessed and joyous occasion of the new Islamic year 1438. The first is an outdoor talk on Saturday evening at the Boorhaanol centre. Tomorrow, the organization will host a youth walk in the area in line with the traditional “Tiene Muharram” march historically performed by madaris in Bo-Kaap. The event commences at 10am.
“It’s such a beautiful tradition seeing all the young children dressed int heir white, as they make their way to the different masajid,” says the Imam of Boorhaanol masjid Sheikh Muhammad West.
The procession walk will go from the Centre to the Tana Baru led by the Habibia Pipe Brigade. The route through the Tana Baru site will pass the following qabrs of great significance and interest, (a) Tuan Guru, (b) Sayed Alawie, c) the Rhoda child, (d) Abubakr Effendi, and (d) Paay Schaapie, as well as the water well and the ruin of the stone building. Tour guides will be stationed at each of these sites to explain its significance and to answer any questions.
The route will exit at the gate along Longmarket Street and proceed to the SK Primary school grounds along Carl St. Once all the marchers are assembled at the SK Primary school, the march will proceed back to the Boorhaanol Centre, led by the Habibia Brigade, along Astana Street and left down Pentz Street to the Centre.
At the Tana Baru and along the route on the return journey, as well as at the Centre there will be a number of stations where refreshments and gifts will be handed out to the participants. Each participant will be provided with a branded string bag to store all the goodies received.
Entries for children have closed. VOC