Major fire on Southern Peninsula largely under control

The major fire on the Southern Peninsula in Cape Town is largely under control. But the expected strong wind with possible gusts, the danger of flare-ups, could reignite the Simon’s Town blaze.

Fire-fighting services of the city of Cape Town and organisations such as Volunteer Wildfire Services remain on high alert.

One of the flare-ups on Sunday afternoon happened on a private property, several kilometers from the entrance of Table Mountain National Park’s Cape Point. However, quick work was made to prevent it from spreading.

Two choppers water-bombed the area for at least half an hour, while ground crews made their way to the various small fire lines. Although the fire has been largely contained, the wind remains a concern as it could reignite it.

Ward 61 councilor in the City of Cape Town, Simon Liell-Cock, says they remain on high alert.

“So they are standing-by for hotspots. With this wind blowing, any glowing amber, anything left undergound deep in the undergound is a risk of starting up again. So they are standing-by the minute something happens, they then put it out. They’ve got people who are working to put it out. They are monitoring. Because those hotspots with thus wind can move anywhere. There are some unburned patches on the other side and on this side which the fire never reach. So if the wind gets in there then it reignites the whole thing and then we start again.”

Source: SABC News

Picture of Aneeqa Du Plessis
Aneeqa Du Plessis

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