AWQAF SA FOUNDER AND CEO, ZEINOUL ABEDIEN CAJEE WAS RANKED 149 ON THE ISLAMICA 500 2016. Published annually, the ISLAMICA 500 is a business guide providing hard-to-find biographical details for 500 of the world’s most prominent and influential personalities in the Islamic world and economy. The 2017 edition of the ISLAMICA 500 was launched on 10th October 2016 in Dubai.
Because the Islamic economy is multi-sectorial and global, the ISLAMICA 500 focuses on personalities from different sectors, markets and nationalities. Thus, this worldwide guide lists the leading figures from the worlds of industry, finance, science, business, politics, international affairs, law, and media. All areas that influence the Islamic Economy.
The ISLAMICA 500 is a premier independent instrument to assess the momentum of the Islamic economy. The global leaders recognized in the ISLAMICA 500 witness a variety of profiles and industries showing the diversity of the achievements made at a global scale, beyond gender, nationality, religion, sectors.
From rulers with global thought vision to hard working professionals with concrete achievements, the ISLAMICA 500 is a unique window to the best of what the Islamic economy can offer.
Mr. Cajee has also previously featured on the Top 500 Muslims of the World and has received many other accolades for his contribution to furthering the International revitalising of the Prophetic Institution of Awqaf (Charitable Endowments). At a recent conference, Prof Dr. Selim Argun of Istanbul University, stated that “…it is impossible to separate the name of Mr. Zeinoul Cajee from the modern day International Waqf discourse…”
The Islamica 500 can be downloaded at
[Awqaf SA]