The South African Muslim Network (SAMNET) expressed its condemnation and disgust over the brutal attack against a family in Glenwood, Durban. The incident was perpetrated by a known pro-Israel supporter who acted against a family with pro-Palestinian views.
The tragedy resulted in the death of the mother after being stabbed multiple times while the father and son were fighting for their lives in hospital.
Speaking on VOC’s PM Drive on Tuesday, SAMNET’s Mohammed Kharwa said the incident is beyond comprehension since this is occurring in a diverse democratic country.
“It is alleged that the perpetrator threatened the family’s 10-year-old daughter with rape.”
“The family had to see their mother being attacked and killed after being stabbed multiple times but this is something we have to recognize in terms of the measure of the challenge we are facing around Islamaphobia and hate,” expressed Kharwa.
“We cannot disconnect with what is happening in Gaza and with what is happening in South Africa as this incident is directly related to that,” asserted Kharwa.
He further highlighted that Islamaphobia is sadly an instance unfolding throughout the world under various circumstances.
Islamaphobia was never recognized as an issue, explained Kharwa, until the United Nations (UN) recognised it as a form of prejudice.
“Islamophobia has been on the rise for decades and it is something that starts with little acts such as restriction of hijab, prejudice against Muslims in a working in environment, and we start seeing abuse and rules being put in place it eventually leads up into an unnecessary loss of life.”
We have been asking the public to report instances of hate crimes to not only the authorities but also to SAMNET, requested Kharwa, so we can build up a database and present a record with information.
“There’s a saying in management if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. If we do not have the data on hand we come across as talking on hearsay and anecdotes,” remarked Kharwa.
“We need to report these incidents and take them seriously. We are not disconnected from the world and we need to take this on and protect our right to freedom of religion,” asserted Kharwa.
Furthermore, the community of Glenwood is up in arms following the brutal attack against the family. Pro-Palestine supporters have come out to demonstrate their dissatisfaction outside the Durban court as they demand no bail for the perpetrator.
*This is still a developing story
Photo: Pixabay