Salt River, Cape Town  14 October 2024

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28 SA companies to participate in 4 Day Week pilot project

Only 28 South African companies have met Tuesday’s deadline to take part in the 4 Day Week pilot project.

The project seeks to investigate the viability of a four-day working week – without compromising productivity.

The pilot will take participants through an on-boarding process before officially starting on the first of next month.

Director of 4 Day Week South Africa, Karen Lowe says, “If I look at the numbers that we got signed up compared to previous global cohorts that have gone before us – we have done incredibly well. We’re following a very similar pattern, there are always early adoptions and the corporates will be slower to pick this up.”

“I’m really ecstatic and delighted at the number of corporates that we have in South Africa, given that we only started recruiting in September. I think we’ve done incredibly well.”

Source: SABC News

Picture of Aneeqa Du Plessis
Aneeqa Du Plessis

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