
17 Results / Page 1 of 2



Service delivery in state clinics sparks concern

Several residents have expressed grave concern about the quality of service they receive when utilising state health care health, especially on the Cape Flats. Speaking to VOC News, residents expressed some of their grievances, appealing to local government to bring about change. “I have visited several local clinics, and I am beyond shocked at what I witness. Hygiene is not prioritised at all, in fact, we get sick after visiting […]

today29 January 2025


Gaza warns hospitals reaching Covid-19 breaking point

Gaza's health system could be overwhelmed by next week because of a surge in coronavirus cases, health advisers warned on Sunday. The blockaded territory has almost run out of ventilators and could have no space in intensive-care units in 10 days' time, said Abdelraouf Elmanama, a microbiologist who is part of the enclave's pandemic task force. "In 10 days the health system will become unable to absorb such a hike […]

today23 November 2020


WC Health Department ready to deal with influx of trauma cases should alcohol ban be lifted

The Western Cape goverment said it expected to hear whether the ban on alcohol sales in the province will be lifted within the next few days. It recently concluded presentations to the national coronavirus command council to revisit the ban within provincial borders. Premier Alan Winde stated the reopening of all businesses would also address the hunger and unemployment crisis currently experienced in the province. Furthermore, Chief of Operations of […]

today11 August 2020


Elderly, women and children bear brunt of graft in SA’s health sector: Corruption Watch

Corruption Watch says it has learned that officials and employees of various South African hospitals and clinics mismanage funds and use state resources to benefit themselves. The anti-graft, the non-profit organisation released its report - X-Ray: The critical state of the health sector in SA - on Wednesday. The report highlights almost 700 whistleblower accounts received since early 2012 until the end of 2019. Corruption Watch researcher Melusi Ncala, who […]

today23 July 2020


“Gentle easing of pressure” on hospitals in the WCape

The Western Cape Department of Health says early indications are that pressure is easing on hospitals in the province. During a digital media briefing today, officials said they are noticing a decline in COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths, which is less than what was projected by epidemiologists. According to the National COVID-19 Epi model, there would have been a steady rise in the rate of daily Covid-19 deaths until the end […]

today16 July 2020


Nehawu bemoans state of health facilities during pandemic

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] has called on the government to ensure that healthcare workers are fully protected from the coronavirus at the hospitals they serve. Members visited workplaces in the Western Cape this week as the number of frontline workers to be infected with the coronavirus spirals out of control. The provincial health department confirmed at least 3000 health workers have contracted the virus and […]

today3 July 2020


COVID-19: Unions concerned over high-risk staff at hospitals

Not all hospitals and clinics are taking steps to protect high-risk staff from the new coronavirus, say unions. People aged 50 or older are almost 10 times as likely to die from Covid-19 than otherwise healthy younger people, according to recently released figures from the Western Cape health department. The risk of death in people with diabetes and high blood pressure becomes even higher, shows the province's data set, believed […]

today27 June 2020


Ramaphosa to visit the Western Cape to assess response to COVID-19

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to visit Cape Town on Friday to assess the Western Cape’s provincial response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Western Cape currently accounts for nearly two-thirds of infections nationally. President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by Western Cape Premier Alan Winde on his inspection of COVID-19 facilities in the province. The Western Cape Government recently announced that it would only test people who are at highest risk […]

today5 June 2020


ICU beds for Covid-19 patients ‘already full’ in Cape Town’s largest hospital

As the country rushes towards an anticipated spike in Covid-19 cases, the Western Cape's largest hospital is already under pressure, with a need for more nurses and many of its ICU beds occupied, according to staff who spoke to News24. As the province continues to account for well over half of the national number of coronavirus infections, Tygerberg Hospital is already under pressure. Doctors and medical staff at the state […]

today21 May 2020

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