Private donations to political parties will soon be a thing of the past. This comes after Members of Parliament are due to consider the Political Party Funding Bill in the National Assembly on Tuesday.
It will result in the identities of party funders becoming public.
Donors to political parties in South Africa have for decades donated money without the risk of their names being made public.
But that’s about to change.
Advocacy group “My Vote Counts” has spent the last two years tirelessly campaigning for funding transparency.
My Vote Counts’ Zahira Grimwood says: “The fact that it’s being tabled now in Parliament and we’ve been able to see that there’s this push for it to be passed is something that we think should be amended. Because it shows that Parliament is taking this seriously especially for this to be adopted before the 2019 elections.”
Deputy President David Mabuza is expected to face the NCOP on Wednesday for oral questions.
Meanwhile, the committee rooms will once again be where most of the week’s work will take place. Worth special mention includes a briefing to multiple committees on the Listeriosis outbreak and recall of certain food products by retailers.
The Home Affairs committee will meet to discuss emails about the early naturalisation of the Gupta family.
And the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), the Auditor General and National Treasury are expected to brief SCOPA on challenges facing the Department of Water and Sanitation.
The week will wrap with a briefing by SASSA to Social Development Portfolio Committee on the implementation of last week’s Constitutional Court judgment.
Parliament will be rising for the Easter recess after Thursday’s business is concluded.
[Source: SABC]