More than 13 000 domestic violence incidents were reported under lockdown between March 27 and June 3, according to Police Minister Bheki Cele. He was responding to an EFF Parliamentary question in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP).
Minister Cele says 13 192 verified counts of domestic violence were reported to the police between 27 March and 3rd June.
The total number of people who were arrested and prosecuted were 14 026.
The province with the most incidents of domestic violence was Gauteng which had 3 769 arrests and prosecutions.
This is followed by the Western Cape with 3 387 arrests and prosecutions.
The Eastern Cape, Free State and Kwazulu-Natal had between 1 300 and 1 700 people arrested and prosecuted for domestic violence under lockdown. Limpopo, Mpumalanga North West and the Northern Cape’s cases were all under a 1 000.
Source: SABC News