Israeli Apartheid Week

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#IsraeliApartheidWeek campaign to focus on racism against Africans in Israel

Racism against Africans by the Israeli regime will take centre stage during the South African leg of this year’s 14th international #IsraeliApartheidWeek campaign from 12 - 18 March 2018. #IsraeliApartheidWeek is an international series of self-organized rallies, protests, lectures, cultural performances, concerts, sports events, films and workshops held annually in over 250 cities, communities and campuses across the globe. With “Afro-Palestinian solidarity” as this year’s theme, #IsraeliApartheidWeek in SA will focus […]

today8 March 2018


Artists 4 Israel: Whitewashing Apartheid

Art, according to the renowned filmographer Tarkovsky, can only be considered realistic when it strives to express an ethical ideal. “Realism,” he said, “is striving for truth, and truth is always beautiful.” There are many who would argue that art is apolitical, but in reality, as Helen Lewis of the New Statesman points out, every piece of public art inadvertently constitutes a political statement, even the ones that support the […]

today21 March 2017


Police investigate defaced Palestinian billboard

Police are investigating who is behind the defacing of an Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) billboard over the weekend. The billboard is one of two that face each other and is situated directly across from the O.R Tambo International Airport. After being informed by an IAW supporter about the defacing of the billboard, IAW members inspected the board and discovered black paint strewn over parts of the board. The billboard advertises […]

today20 March 2017


IAW to intensify debate on Israeli policies

Israel's apartheid system will be placed firmly on the national agenda when the 13th Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) campaign kicks off from the 5th – 12 March. IAW is an annual international series of self-organized events held in over 250 cities, communities and campuses across the globe. The solidarity event raises awareness of Israel's apartheid policies towards the indigenous Palestinians. IAW is endorsed, in South Africa alone, by more than […]

today2 March 2017

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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