President Cyril Ramaphosa self-quarantines after dinner guest tests positive

President Cyril Ramaphosa has embarked on a self-quarantine after he interacted with a dinner guest who tested positive for COVID-19. The President attended a dinner on Saturday, October 24 and one of the guests received a confirmed coronavirus diagnosis since then.

The dinner was a fundraising effort for the Adopt-a-School Foundation, which is a partner entity of the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation.

“The President wishes the guest, who is receiving medical attention, a safe and speedy recovery, and wishes other guests good health,” said Tyrone Seale, Acting Spokesperson to the President, via a statement. “The event for 35 guests was held at a Johannesburg hotel where Foundation guests were the only people hosted by the establishment.”

According to Seale, the event adhered to COVID-19 protocols and directives with screening, social distancing and the wearing of masks.

“As was the case with all guests, the President himself removed his mask only when dining and addressing the guests,” Seale said. “The Adopt-a-School Foundation advised dinner guests, that a guest had shown symptoms on Sunday and had been tested on Monday before receiving a positive result yesterday [Tuesday, October 27]. The Foundation became aware of this development and communicated this to guests yesterday, hours after the President had performed the unveiling of a statue of liberation icon OR Tambo and the official opening of a new Radisson hotel and convention centre in Ekurhuleni in the morning.”

Ramaphosa is screened regularly by the South African Military Health Service and is also screened at venues where he participates in his various engagements.

“The President is showing no symptoms at this time and will, in line with COVID-19 health advice, be tested should symptoms manifest,” Seale added. “The President will perform his duties remotely and will observe the guidelines that apply to self-quarantine.”

Source: Cape Town ETC

Picture of Aneeqa Du Plessis
Aneeqa Du Plessis

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