New prayer room at Christian Barnard hospital launched

While a hospital can be a place of anxiety and fear, a quiet place for reflection and prayer makes a world of difference to patients, visitors, doctors and staff members in a bustling healthcare facility. Islamic prayer rooms for men and women have therefore been incorporated in the new Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital for religious and spiritual observance, as part of the facility’s efforts to provide a welcoming environment for individuals of all faiths.

Guests at the launch of the salah khana
Guests at the launch of the salah khana [Photo: Yusuf Abramjee]
The new wudhu and Jamaat Khana at the state-of-the-art Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital was opened on Saturday by Sheikh Hassan Walele.

Dr Azgher Karjieker, an ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon who practices at the hospital, has been assisting the project team with the establishment of the Muslim prayer rooms in the new Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital.

“There was a small space for Muslim prayer in the old hospital building, but larger rooms have been incorporated in the new building for the observances of our faith for both men and women,” he explains.

The male prayer room
The male prayer room [Photo: Yusuf Abramjee]
Dr Karjieker motivated for the expansion of the Muslim prayer room when the hospital moved to its new premises on the Cape Town Foreshore.

“I am grateful to management for involving me in this aspect of the new facility from an early stage. The Muslim prayer rooms will be officially opened on Saturday, 10 December,” he adds.

“Muslims pray five times a day. Our lives revolve around these prayer times, so we try to make time for them wherever we are, whether we are at work, out and about, or at home. Prayers can be performed alone, but it is much better to share worship together, in a congregation.

The female prayer room [Photos: Yusuf Abramjee]
The female prayer room
[Photos: Yusuf Abramjee]
“At Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital, we have many Muslim patients, staff members and medical personnel. It is not always practical to find a convenient place to pray if there is not a prayer room provided, and delaying prayers until we get home is not ideal.”

The Jamaat Khana will make it more convenient for Muslims to adhere to their religious observances.

“The accessibility of the Muslim prayer rooms in the new Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital will certainly be convenient, particularly for the midday and mid-afternoon prayers, when visiting hours and prayer times coincide. Thus Muslims visiting their loved ones in hospital and also patients who are mobile will be able to make use of this facility,” Dr Karjieker notes.

Muslims prefer to pray in an area where there are no statues or photos on display. An ablution area is provided for cleansing before prayers, in accordance with tradition. “The hands, face, ears, forearms and feet are washed prior to prayers, and shoes are placed on a rack before entering the carpeted prayer area.

“As Muslims we are in a constant state of either thankfulness, when things are going well, or patience, when God challenges us with difficulties, medical or otherwise. Both circumstances lead to supplication to God and, in a healthcare facility in particular, having the prayer rooms on site is a great comfort,” Dr Karjieker notes.

Yusuf Abramjee hands over a copy of his book Hajj2016 to Dr Dr Azgher Karjieker. Alongside is Imam Hasan Walele [Photo: Yusuf Abramjee]
Yusuf Abramjee hands over a copy of his book Hajj2016 to  Dr Azgher Karjieker. Also with them is Imam Hasan Walele, Dr Abdul Wahab Barday and Hoosain Karjieker.
[Photo: Yusuf Abramjee]

The general manager of Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital, Chris Tilney, says that the Muslim prayer rooms are integral to making the facility inclusive for people of various faiths, reflecting the multi-culturalism for which Cape Town is celebrated.

“Muslim patients will also have their dietary needs catered for, as the kitchen at our new hospital is fully-certified Halaal, as it was at the facility’s previous location. It is our hope that Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital in its new incarnation will be an inclusive healing environment, where people of all faiths can draw spiritual comfort,” Tilney concluded. VOC

Picture of Aneeqa Du Plessis
Aneeqa Du Plessis

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VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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