Relief organisation, Muslim Hands South Africa is inviting all to the very first night walk for Syria, aptly titled ‘Shine for Syria’. The aim of the initiative is directed toward creating awareness about the plight of the millions of Syrians who have been killed, injured and displaced in a war that has ravaged the region. This as human rights bodies have in their throngs condemned the lack of assistance afforded to displaced Syrian refugees who have travelled life-threatening journeys seeking refuge in Europe.
According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of total persons of concern stands at least 4,807,700. This figure includes 2.1 million Syrians registered by UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, 2.7 million Syrians registered by the Government of Turkey, as well as more than 29,000 Syrian refugees registered in North Africa.
Speaking to VOC’s Breakfast Beat, Muslim Hands Nabeela Ryklief explains that the walk is scheduled to take place on Saturday, November 26, 2016, from 20:00 to 22:00. The walk will begin at the Mouille Point Light House ending at the Sea Point Pavilion swimming pool.
Participants are encouraged to keep with the theme of the walk, Shine for Syria, and don themselves in brightly coloured or neon clothes while shining glow-sticks.
Registration costs R250 and once registered all participants are given a registration pack that includes a collection list.
Ryklief confirmed that all funds will be sent to Syria and will be used for education, healthcare, shelter and food.
For more information, visit:
More on the event here: