The body of a third miner was brought to the surface at the Kusasalethu mine near Carletonville, Harmony Gold said on Monday.
“Our sincerest condolences go to the family and friends of the deceased. We will not rest until the other two employees have been found and brought to surface,” chief executive Peter Steenkamp said.
On Saturday and Sunday the bodies of two miners who had succumbed to their injuries, were found and brought to the surface.
A tremor measuring 1.2 on the Richter scale caused sections of the gold mine to collapse at around 10:30 on Friday, August 25.
There were about 3 000 miners working at the time of the tremor and all apart from the five were safe.
On Saturday, the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) blamed the company for alleged below standard working conditions.
AMCU’s Gauteng West health and safety chairperson Nathi Mathunjwa said at the time that the traveling wheel support for the miners to go down was not up to the mine’s standard.
Harmony spokesperson Marian van der Walt said on Saturday that all parties had a responsibility to ensure safety at the mine.
“We will conduct a thorough investigation into the cause of the incident once all the employees have been brought to safety.”
[Source: News24]