Yusufeyyah Masjied hosts extraordinary 24-hour Khatam Al-Quran

By: Aneeqa du Plessis

Subhan Allah!

The doors of the Yusufeyyah Masjied in Wynberg will remain open throughout the night on the 3rd – 4th December as the sounds of recitation exude from the mosque during the completion of a 24-hour Khatam Al-Quran. The special khatam set to begin after Dhur will be take place in collaboration with the Nurul Quran Jama’ah.

Imam at the Yusufeyyah Masjied, Shaykh Ebrahim Moos explained to VOC Presenter Muhammed Fasiegh Petersen what the intention behind the 24-hour khatam was.

“Due to the pandemic our frequent khatam completion came to a screeching halt, and we needed to make up for the missed time so we decided to reintroduce the words of Allah into the community in a larger fashion so that we can instill the love for His words in the hearts of our loved ones,” explained Moos.

Khatam organizer, Br. Ridwaan Osman said the inspiration for the 24-hour khatam was borne by forefathers in the early 1950s with a only a handful of hufaath. However, the current khatam will include over 100 Hufaath and over ten Hafith Madrassa. Subsequently, female reciters will also be granted a space to participate in the khatam during a ‘ladies only’ slot between Asr and Esha.

“We have many local females that are qualified haafithas of the glorious Quran, and we have granted them an opportunity to inspire the women in our community with the words of Allah SWT,” beamed Moos.

Shaykh Moos explained that for many it will be their first time reciting at this capacity. Each school in attendance has been assigned their exact ajaza that they will need to complete on the day as everything will be done by memory. However, he has invited all hufaath to attend the iconic khatam whether they are part of the official line up or not.

“We are aware that there are many other hifth schools in our surrounds, but we could not possibly invite them all, but we encourage one and all to participate and contribute to this marvelous gesture even if it is in a small way,” said Moos.

Refreshments will be served to guests throughout the event and the program will conclude with a ‘scrumptious’ lunch on Sunday afternoon.

“We hope people will come out and support this unique initiative taken up by the Yusufeyyah Masjied insha Allah,” concluded Moos.

For those keen to assist, donate or need more information they can contact Shaykh Moos on 083 292 2027 or Yunus Karriem on 082 620 2120 or Yusufeyyah Muslim Youth Facebook page.


Picture of Aneeqa Du Plessis
Aneeqa Du Plessis

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