VOC launches Young Cape Muslim Cultural Showcase


On Monday, 02 August, the Voice of the Cape, in conjunction with the City of Cape Town, launched the Young Cape Muslim Cultural Showcase.

The showcase is aimed at providing the Capetonian youth with a platform to flaunt their talent and display the rich culture and heritage the Cape Malay community has to offer. The slinking of other cultures into Cape communities has brought about fears of losing its cultural identity.

This showcase aims to reignite the community’s passion for qaseedas (devotional poetry), Nederland lietjies (commemorating tradition) and everything it entails.

The submissions would require participants to present a video of no longer than two minutes in which they demonstrate their talent in one three categories; qaseedas, Nederland lietjies and spoken word or poetry.

Submissions would need to be emailed to: info@vocfm.co.za.

Alternatively, it could be sent to the VOC WhatsApp line on 0219 913 913 where ‘#VOCculture’ must be included in the caption.

Participants are also encouraged to add their own creative twists to the classical items they choose to draw inspiration from.

Submissions will receive regular airplay and social media exposure and entrants will receive mentorship sessions.

By Junaid Benjamin


Picture of Tauhierah Salie
Tauhierah Salie

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VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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