Salt River, Cape Town  12 October 2024

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Iran, Saudi Arabia discuss cancelling visas, developing tourism

Iranian Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Maryam Jalali Dehkordi announced the continuation of Iranian and Saudi efforts to develop tourism relations and cancel visa requirements between the two countries. Maryam Jalali Dehkordi, who is currently in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, to participate in World Tourism Day activities, confirmed: “I met and talked with Sultan M. Al-Musallam, Saudi Arabia’s deputy tourism minister for international affairs. We discussed ways to remove obstacles […]

today1 October 2023


‘Humanitarian’ visas to ‘civilised’ australia for white farmers: 89 applications received

Australia's Department of Home Affairs has received 89 applications for humanitarian visas from South Africa, involving 213 people, Australia's The Age publication reported. This was revealed in the Australian Senate. In March, it was reported that Australia was considering fast-tracking visas for white South African farmers because of the "horrific circumstances" they allegedly suffered, owing to farm attacks. Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton reportedly said white South African farmers deserved […]

today25 June 2018


Hajj and Umrah visas now electronic

All visas from the Saudi embassy will now be in an electronic format. This was the decision announced at a meeting between role players in the haj and umrah industry, airlines and the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Royal Saudi Embassy in Pretoria today. In a statement, the South African Haj and Umrah Council (Sahuc) announced that the embassy has done away with the hard copy visa and […]

today5 February 2018

International News

Egypt eliminates visa-free entry for most Qataris

Egypt will end visa-free entry for Qatari nationals with some exceptions, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said on Monday, the latest measure taken against Doha which Cairo and three Gulf governments are boycotting. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt imposed sanctions on Qatar on 5 June, cutting diplomatic and transport ties with the tiny Gulf monarchy, after accusing it of financing militant groups and allying with their regional […]

today18 July 2017

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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