Salt River, Cape Town  15 October 2024

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sewage spill

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Sewage pumped into Cape Town ocean negatively impacting marine life – expert

Environmental and chemical expert, Professor Leslie Petrik says sewage being pumped into the ocean around the Cape Peninsula is making a huge negative impact on marine life. The City of Cape Town submitted a public participation report on marine outfalls permits to the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Environment (DFFE). This follows ongoing public outcry about the city's outfalls, particularly in Hout Bay for releasing more sewage than its permit […]

today16 March 2024


COCT to explore options for treatment processes at marine sewage outfalls

By Ragheema Mclean The City of Cape Town has announced plans to deal with the 32 million litres of raw sewage currently being released into the Atlantic Ocean every day. This follows an ongoing public outcry and concerns raised regarding huge sewage plumes floating off the coast, particularly near Camps Bay, where more than two million litres of sieved raw sewage is discharged into the sea daily. This discharge is […]

today14 February 2024


Seaforth, Waters Edge Beaches remain closed following a sewage spill

Seaforth and Waters Edge Beaches remain closed for recreation following a sewage spill last week. The City of Cape Town says repeat water sampling is underway and the beaches will be reopened once it is declared safe. According to the City, the sewage spill was caused by a break in the rising main pipeline near the parking area, the cause of which is also under investigation. “Repeat water sampling as […]

today9 November 2021


Zandvlei water area closed to public

The Zandvlei water area has been temporarily closed by the City of Cape Town as a precautionary measure, after concerns over the water quality following testing done at various points within the Zandvlei area. The test results showed high levels of faecal coliforms within the body, indicating a risk to human health. However, the closure only affects the recreational activities in the Zandvlei area which includes fishing. The access to […]

today30 April 2018

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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