
6 Results / Page 1 of 1



Social Development commends national strategic plan on gender-based violence

LOCAL The Department of Social Development says much has been achieved in the two years since the national strategic plan on gender-based violence and femicide was adopted. This is despite a worsening rate of violence against women and children with recent cases including that of the murdered four-year-old Bokgabo Poo, whose recovered body was found missing some parts. The department says it has started a series of dialogues with communities, and […]

today18 October 2022


Kidnap victim Anichka Penev has been found

Anichka Penev has been reunited with her family after being kidnapped last week, police have confirmed. The Ukrainian woman, who was found in Khayelitsha on Friday, was dragged from her Audi R8 after gunmen in two cars blocked her vehicle as she drove along Ipswich Road in Blue Downs, Cape Town. Viral CCTV footage showed the kidnappers forcing Penev into one of the vehicles after grabbing her when she tried to […]

today9 October 2022


Ramaphosa to deliver keynote speech at the national Heritage Day celebrations

LOCAL President Cyril Ramaphosa will address the national Heritage Day celebrations at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Saturday. The event celebrates South Africa’s indigenous music and its immense contribution to sports, arts, culture and heritage. It will be preceded by a parade to be addressed by the President. This year’s theme pays tribute to the 60th anniversary of the passing of singer and songwriter Solomon Linda. Linda was born Solomon Ntsele, in 1909 […]

today24 September 2022


Economist warn that national shutdown poses further economic risk

By Tauhierah Salie Economists are warning that a national shutdown planned by trade unions on Wednesday, will likely damage the economy further. Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and South African Federation of Trade Unions’ (Saftu) are among several unions partaking in rallies across the country to voice frustration over the rising cost of living, power cuts, high fuel prices and unemployment. Cosatu said it is demanding a sustainable […]

today24 August 2022


NUMSA national congress to continue

LOCAL The last day of trade union NUMSA's national congress which was supposed to held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on Friday, had been cancelled. The congress was initially set to to run from Monday until today, but it only started on Wednesday after the Labour Court in Johannesburg ruled that the congress should only be convened if it fully complies with NUMSA's constitution. NUMSA says it decided […]

today30 July 2022


Law officials on high alert as shutdown rumors continue across the web

South Africa's National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJoints) stated that law enforcement officers have been deployed and are on high alert following threats of a “national shutdown” set to take place tomorrow. This follows unsigned messages and posters were circulated on various social media platforms, calling for a national shutdown. Members of the public are cautioned against spreading such messages that seek to mobilise communities to respond. National police […]

today9 June 2022

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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