MEC Anton Bredell

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National Disaster Centre declined to help thirsty Beaufort West: province

The National Disaster Management Centre declined a request to provide drought-stricken Beaufort West with emergency funding due to the initial stated terms, the Western Cape Local Government Department said on Tuesday. However, the province was re-negotiating the terms, said James-Brent Styan, spokesperson for Western Cape local government MEC Anton Bredell. Beaufort West's 37 000 residents have been getting their water supply from 32 boreholes and a water reclamation plant since […]

today16 November 2017


WCape dam levels fall to less than half their capacity

The average water level of Western Cape dams is less than 50% of capacity, local government MEC Anton Bredell confirmed on Wednesday. Dams in the province are currently at an average of 49.81%, compared to last year's 58.39%. The Cape Town combined system dams are currently at 50.65%, compared to 60.36% during the same period last year. The Berg River catchment is at 59.22% compared to last year's 56.94%; the […]

today15 December 2016

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