
7 Results / Page 1 of 1



Muslims urged to return to masjid, as restrictions eased

With the relaxation of regulations under level one of the lock-down, the Muslim Judicial Council has urged the community to return to masajid for prayer. The ulema body says it welcomes the increase in the numbers permitted for closed gatherings, as announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa last night. The MJC says this will alleviate some of the challenges faced by Masajid for the Jumu’ah. “The MJC welcomes the announcement by […]

today17 September 2020


MJC urges masajid to open cautiously, ensure guidelines are met

by Tauhierah Salie The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) has released guidelines for the reopening of masajid, as South Africa eased into Alert Level 2 at midnight on Monday. It follows at least five months of many masajid being closed, with a limited number reopening under Alert Level 3 which was instituted to help save the ailing economy. On the heels of further decline, accompanied by a drop in Covid-19 infections, […]

today18 August 2020


Masaajid court bid dismissed

A bid to have mosques re-opened during the lockdown has been dismissed by the North Gauteng High Court. Muhammed Bin Hassim Mohomed, Anas Mohammed Chotia and the As-Saadiqeen Islamic Centre launched an application to have the lockdown regulations declared unconstitutional, citing that it infringes on the religious obligations of Muslims. The case was heard over two days last week. In delivering her judgment, Judge Brenda Neukircher says every citizen is […]

today30 April 2020


A note about opening the mosques

This opinion piece was written by Fatima Fatima Est for the Daily Vox. More than a thousand years ago, some men wrote against the presence of women at mosques. Contrary to the Prophetic practice where men and women prayed together in the mosque even at night, the accretions of the legal opinions of these scholars over time concluded that women must be excluded from the mosques. Their reasoning – to […]

today26 April 2020


Community urged to recite Khatam for VOC’s Ahlan Wa Sahlan

In keeping with the theme of social cohesion and social justice in Ramadan, VOC has again taken four masajid under its wings for the annual Ahlan Wasahlan (AWS) outreach project. The AWS project, now in its 18th year, aims to connect VOC with its listeners, through the recitation of Quran. Every Sunday during the month of Ramadan, VOC staff and its structures will be visiting a mosque in an impoverished […]

today18 May 2018


Rocklands masjid suffers a major setback after burglary

The imamat at Masjidul Thani in Rocklands say they are shocked at the callous nature in which the masjid was burgled and vandalised yesterday. Burglars broke into the masjid in the early hours of Saturday morning, and left with the masjid’s computers, a video camera, sound equipment, two-way radios and some cash. The masjid’s imam Maulana Sabri Davids said the window frames, doors and the gates were damaged and the […]

today22 April 2018


Mass drive for Rohingya a huge success

It’s all hands on deck this morning as volunteers from across the city lend a hand to help the Al Imdaad Foundation pack humanitarian goods destined for the displaced Rohingya. The Al-Imdaad Foundation launched a national collection drive across most major towns and cities in South Africa three weeks ago to fill shipping containers with aid and with the support of the Muslim Judicial Council and Darul Islam Relief Fund, […]

today11 November 2017

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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