Judge Zakeria Yacoob

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Students may lose if they can’t channel their anger – Yacoob

University students must learn from how the struggle was won almost entirely through passive resistance to make society ungovernable, retired Constitutional Court justice Zak Yacoob said on Tuesday night. He said he sympathised with where students were, but violence should never be on the cards. “Our struggle, apart from Sharpeville and two other incidents, was non-violent,” he said, delivering the ninth annual Imam Haron memorial lecture in Lansdowne. He said […]

today19 October 2016


Annual Imam Haron lecture to focus on the state of universities

While the late Imam Abdullah Haron is generally remembered as a revered hero in the struggle against Apartheid, the great impact that the imam had within in his own community is not widely known. Members of the public are, therefore, invited to 11th Annual Imam Haron Memorial Lecture in which his work within society is discussed. The lecture, which will be rendered by Judge Zakeria Yacoob, is pertinent to the […]

today13 October 2016

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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