Salt River, Cape Town  15 October 2024

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Injured in a shopping mall? Know your rights

Shopping malls can be a place of therapy for consumers as they relish in the thrill of spending their money on desirable goods and services. However, a pleasant shopping experience can quickly turn tragic, due to injury and accidents. Two weeks ago, a part of the ceiling of the Somerset Mall in Cape Town collapsed, the second time in two years. The mall was evacuated as a result of the […]

today14 February 2020


Gusty Southeaster hampers Guy Fawkes

Twenty-two injuries, 18 of them children, were reported during last night’s Guy Fawkes Day activities in the Mother City.  The City of Cape Town’s Safety and Security Directorate says last night’s gusting south easter winds caused havoc in some areas. The wind conditions resulted in the early closure of many of the 12 designated sites for the discharge of fireworks because of safety issues.  At the popular Maiden’s Cove, fire […]

today6 November 2017


City to consider a ban on Guy Fawkes

The City of Cape Town announced that they will engage with National Government with a formal request to ban the sale of fireworks The Guy Fawkes festivities which took place on Saturday within the city resulted in the highest numbers of injuries. Just under 30 000 residents visited the safety sites for setting off fireworks, where Table View and Maiden's Cove were the busiest sites between 10 000 to 15 […]

today7 November 2016

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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