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Educators should assist learners cope with backlog: expert

Education expert Professor Mary Metcalfe says educators will have to assist learners to cope with catching up on the backlog of the 2020 academic year, following delays to the calendar due to the COVID-19 lockdown. The Department of Basic Education says despite having trimmed down the curriculum, learners will only manage to finish 70% of their work for the year. The department says the remaining 30% will be incorporated into […]

today6 August 2020


FMF to impact on new educators

In recent weeks, South Africa has witnessed a wave of unrest at universities throughout the country as the #FeesMustfall movement continues their call for decolonised education. As a result of protests, increased uncertainty surrounding the completion of the academic year has left government in a state of limbo as positions in vital sectors await new submissions. While the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has in recent years worked tirelessly to […]

today24 October 2016


Diffusing conflict in schools a challenge for educators

Respectful social interaction, a facet of development that many assume to be second nature appears to be lacking within schools across the country as verbal abuse against educators and principals runs rapid. Last week, the principal of Tafelsig High School, in Mitchells Plain, was threatened by a learner and required five teachers to retrain the learner, after which the learner was escorted off the schools premises. The incident followed the […]

today19 October 2016

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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