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Best Time to be Home

This story forms part of a series called Hajj Stories by Dr Salim Parker. For more stories, visit www.hajjdoctor.co.za ‘I am coming home.’ he told me over the phone. He was in Makkah accompanying a group of mostly first-time travellers whilst I was still in Cape Town. He had performed his obligatory Hajj three years earlier and since then has been one of many who simply could not resist the […]

today27 May 2020


Muslims must intensify Istighfār ahead of Day Zero

Capetonians are now in crisis mode as they prepare for the inevitable Day Zero – when all taps will be turned off in Cape Town. The Mother City is in the midst of its worst drought in 100 years and with water fast depleting, its citizens will face the reality of queuing for water come April 12th. Dam levels in the Western Cape dropped to 25.3 percent this week and […]

today25 January 2018

Tourism – Hajj and Umrah

Arafat: Where the heart is

This is part of a continuous hajj series by the hajj doctor, Salim Parker. More of his work can be found at www.hajjdoctor.co.za ‘Will I be ready for Hajj?’ he asked the surgeon. He was due for a heart bypass operation. Hajj was still four months away. ‘As long as you do not carry bags you may be fit to go for Hajj,’ the specialist replied. I was not witness to […]

today27 April 2017

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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