District Six

21 Results / Page 2 of 3

Image courtesy: Johann du Plessis


Former D6 residents to observe 54 years since apartheid removals

Image courtesy: Johann du Plessis This week is a significant week for Capetonians, as they mark 54 years since the forced removals of District Six. More than 66,000 people were evicted over the course of 15 years and relocated to the fringes of the Cape Flats as the colourful area was officially declared “white” under apartheid legislation. To celebrate the start of a new era of hope for the claimants […]

today14 February 2020


Roleplayers unpack practical next steps for the reconstruction of District 6

Restitution beneficiaries are encouraged to take ownership of their socio-economic opportunities and citizenry in the new District Six Hundreds of restitution claimants were given a strong dose of optimism and ownership as they were briefed on the practical roadmap for their return to District Six by their public and City representatives and other key roleplayers this weekend. The claimants gathered for a public meeting at the Castle of Good Hope […]

today3 February 2020


D6 building contractor liquidated: department

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform says it was forced to cancel the building contractor of phase three of District Six as they were behind the schedule. This comes after Fikile Construction, the company that was awarded the building contract by the department, was terminated as a result of non-compliance of legal obligations. The construction was expected to be completed this year with 108 housing units being built […]

today22 June 2018


Still no clarity on the D6 construction delays

By Wardah Wilkinson The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform appeared in front of the Western Cape Standing Committee on Human Settlements on Wednesday to answer questions relating to current status of Phase 3 of the District Six restitution process, which has reached a standstill. Since the sod-turning for phase 3 in 2014, only 139 units have been completed and a further 108 residential units are still under construction. […]

today20 June 2018


D6WC announces its litigation to fast track D6

The District Six Working Committee (D6WC) is seeking a declaratory order and structural interdict against the state for failing to provide adequate restitution in district six since 1998. Addressing the media on Tuesday, the D6WC cited the Minister of rural development and land reform, the Premier of the Western Cape, the City of the Cape Town, the SA government and the District Six Beneficiary Trust and its trustees as the […]

today25 April 2018


D6WC to launch application to land claims court

By Wardah Wilkinson Activists working towards restitution in District Six are in the process of launching an application to the land claims court to obtain a declaratory order and structural interdict to compel the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform to finish building the houses in District Six within a stipulated time as determined by the court.  About 1000 people who were forcefully removed from District Six under the Group […]

today17 April 2018


Former learners from Muir Street Muslim primary reunite and vow to reclaim land

After close to 50 years, learners of the Muir Street Muslim Primary School, which was demolished in District Six due to the brutality of the apartheid Group Areas Act have reunited to reclaim their land. The Muir Street Moslem primary school was funded in 1929 by the Indian Islamic relief fund which saw the urgent need for an Indian school in District Six, after many residents emigrated with their families […]

today16 April 2018


New community health centre to open in D6

By Wardah Wilkinson The Department of Transport and Public Works has finally completed the construction of the new District Six Community Health Centre, built to the cost of R100 million rand. The centre which is based in Caledon Street District Six was built on the site of the old Peninsula Maternity Hospital which was constructed in 1930 and demolished due to the Group Areas Act. “The redevelopment of the health […]

today23 December 2017


Ramadan through the eyes of the homeless

By Thakira Desai With the sound of the athan echoing from masaajid, Muslims throughout the Cape break their fast in harmonious scenes of family bonding, but this is not the reality for every fasting person. It’s a different story for the homeless people of Cape Town, who against the harsh elements, face an even greater struggle of the physical and inner jihad. VOC News ventured to former District Six, where we […]

today23 June 2017

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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