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Load shedding cost SA economy at least R59bn in 2019 – CSIR

The cumulative cost of load shedding to South Africa's economy in 2019 was between R59bn and R118bn, according to a new presentation by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. This presentation was developed by CSIR principal engineer Jarrad Wright and senior engineer Joanne Calitz. The CSIR is a non-partisan scientific research institution. According to the research, South Africans experienced 530 hours of planned power cuts in 2019, as Eskom […]

today22 January 2020


Over a third of SA water supply lost through poor infrastructure

Over a third of SA's water supply is being lost due to aged and leaking infrastructure before it can be used. That's according to CSIR principal researcher and research group leader for resource-specific scientific measures Marius Claassen. Claassen, speaking during a panel discussion on Thursday ahead of World Water Day, said countrywide an average of 37% of SA's water supply was lost before it reached users due to leaks. An […]

today16 March 2018

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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