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Combating the virus of fear with compassion

By Shafiq Morton AN unwelcome and epoch-changing visitor has landed on our shores. Called Covid-19, and a member of the corona virus family, its science is not our brief here. What we do know, from the street view, is that it is hugely infectious, has a long shelf life on surfaces and if infected, one has to isolate (quarantine) for a period of 14 days. This visitor – which doesn’t […]

today31 March 2020


Responding compassionately to the Coronavirus

In this khutbah, Imam Rashied Omar reflects on how conscientious Muslims and responsible global citizens should respond to the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus. He shares valuable lessons about the transient nature of life and encourages us to pray for those who are affected and to provide them with solace and hope. Imam Rashied provides a pastoral voice to counter fear and anxiety as the coronavirus continues to infect a […]

today4 February 2020

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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