Cape Mental Health

3 Results / Page 1 of 1



Mental health: Year end fatigue in students

By Loushe Jordaan Gilbert Nearing the finish line is always the most difficult portion of any race, and many people experience this at the conclusion of each year. Year-end weariness is a true phenomenon where people begin to feel increasingly exhausted, overburdened, agitated, and burned out as the year comes to an end. Speaking on VOC Breakfast Sue-Lee Henning, a therapist based in Cape Town said this is no different […]

today17 October 2024


Mental health: Depression within the workspace

By Loushe Jordaan Gilbert One of the most common mental health conditions that workers experience at work is depression. The World Health Organization estimates that 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. In South Africa, depression affects about 27% of people. While employees hold many roles outside the workplace ranging from being parents, providers and everything in between, it is almost impossible to not face symptoms of depressions from time […]

today17 October 2024


Prioritising mental health at work: Cape Mental Health’s call for action

By Lee-Yandra Paulsen World Mental Health Day on October 10th highlights the global focus on mental well-being, and this year’s theme has emphasized the importance of prioritising mental health in the workplace. Deputy Executive Officer at Cape Mental Health, Carol Bosch, spoke on VOC’s Caravan show about the often-overlooked impact of work environments on mental health. “We often focus on the negative aspects of mental health conditions, but we actually […]

today8 October 2024

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