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Mandela’s daughter in legal battle for wanting to auction his objects

Nelson Mandela's eldest daughter, Makaziwe Mandela-Amuah, has begun a legal battle with the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) over the sale of her father's objects. According to Mandela-Amuah the agency is acting against its functions in its claim to her private property. The agency and the Department of Arts and Culture want her move to export the items to be stopped. Speaking on VOC’s Drive Time show on Tuesday, […]

today7 September 2022

International News

Gandhi’s iconic glasses go on sale in UK

A "rare and important" pair of iconic glasses worn by Indian independence hero Mahatma Gandhi look set to sell for tens of thousands of pounds after a British auction house put them up for sale on Monday. The gold-plated spectacles were stuffed through the letterbox of East Bristol Auctions in southwest England last Friday, with a note attached reading, "these glasses belonged to Gandhi, give me a call," auctioneer Andrew […]

today11 August 2020


Online rhino horn auction set to open in South Africa

An online auction of rhino horn is set to open Monday, after a court in South Africa approved the site which has outraged conservationists. South African authorities had refused to issue a permit in a move to ban the three-day auction, which they feared would undermine a global ban on rhino trade. But the High Court in Pretoria on Sunday ruled in favour of the auction's South African organiser, John […]

today21 August 2017

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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