Atul Gupta

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Parties demand answers after Gigaba’s Gupta gaffe

The Democratic Alliance is demanding answers following claims by home affairs minister Malusi Gigaba on Tuesday that the Guptas are not South African citizens. TimesLIVE reported on Tuesday night that in at least one case – that of Atul Gupta – the recently re-appointed Gigaba seemingly got it wrong. On Tuesday‚ Gigaba and home affairs director-general Mkuseli Apleni provided feedback at a media briefing following meetings the pair had with […]

today7 March 2018


Very disturbing that Atul Gupta on rich list: Save SA

Save South Africa says it is "shocking news" that Atul Gupta is in 7th position on the Sunday Times's Rich List. "For one man to have acquired so much wealth, so fast, is in itself very disturbing," Save South Africa, a collective of organisations, civil society groups, business leaders and prominent individuals who aim to keep government accountable, said in a statement on Sunday. "But when it is Atul Gupta, […]

today12 December 2016

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