
7 Results / Page 1 of 1



Masjid committee’s petition to amend COCT Noise, Nuisance by-law garners nearly 10k signatures

By Tauhierah Salie The Mughammadiyyah masjid in Tennyson Road, Salt River said that, even if it takes two years, places of worship need to be exempt from the City of Cape Town’s Noise-Nuisance by-law. A petition demanding such has garnered nearly 10k supporting signatures since its launch on Friday afternoon. The masjid committee met with Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill Lewis last Tuesday following uproar over a letter of complaint […]

today24 May 2022


CPT Masjid seeks clarity following yet another complaint over athaan

by Tauhierah Salie The City of Cape Town says it has reprimanded the Staff member who recently sent a letter of complaint to Tennyson road masjid in Salt River, over the athaan. The City instructed the century old masjid to ‘mitigate’ the sounds emanating from it ‘with immediate effect’, which it has refused to do until further clarity is provided. The letter was sent despite recent assurances that the City’s […]

today16 May 2022

International News

Saudi minister defends order to turn down the volume on mosques

Saudi Arabia's Islamic affairs minister on Monday defended an order to lower the volume on mosque loudspeakers, saying families had been complaining that competing speakers were keeping their children awake. In a circular last week, the Islamic affairs ministry said loudspeakers on mosques should not be set higher than a third of their maximum volume. Speakers that are used to broadcast the call to prayer and the signal for prayers […]

today1 June 2021


KZN attorney lays charges against Chandra Ellaurie

KwaZulu-Natal based attorney Yacoob Baig has laid charges against Isipingo resident Chandra Ellaurie for crimen injuria, blasphemy and hate speech at the Isipingo police station. This after Ellaurie won a court application to have the athaan at the Madrasah Taleemuddeen Islamic Institute in Ispingo Beach silenced. In his court application, Ellaurie cited the athaan as "disturbing" his peace and the enjoyment of his property, which Baig says is a "blatant […]

today3 September 2020


Outcry after judge orders Isipingo beach mosque to silence call to prayer

The Madrasah Taleemuddeen Islamic institute in Isipingo beach in Kwazulu-Natal said it would fight tooth and nail to protect the sacred athaan (call to prayer). The institute has decided to appeal Friday’s Durban high court judgment that silenced the athaan, following an application by a resident, Chandra Ellaurie, who said the athaan disturbs his peace and the enjoyment of his property. Judge Sidwell Mngadi ruled that the madrasah (religious school) […]

today27 August 2020


Bo Kaap athaan complaint prompts anger over city’s by-laws

Calls to exempt religious activity from the City of Cape Town’s noise and nuisance by-laws are mounting after a complaint was lodged over the sounding of the athaan at Nural Huda masjid in Leeuwen Street last week. The mosque said this was the second time a complaint was reported and it was aware of a third complaint against another mosque in the area – all in the space of two […]

today26 August 2020


Amendment to CoCT noise nuisance by-law will not impact athaan

The City of Cape Town is in the process of updating its streets, public places and the prevention of noise nuisances by-law and has emphasized that it will not affect the call to prayer at local mosques. It follows concern over the amendment of the by-law, which was cited in previous cases where there were complaints that the athaan amounted to “noise”.  Speaking to VOC on Monday, the chairperson of the […]

today20 April 2020

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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