
30 Results / Page 1 of 4



Hujaaj gears up for the day of Arafat

By Kouthar Sambo As the Hajj 1445 season dawns upon us, Hujaaj prepares for the day of Arafat and is undergoing emotional, physical, mental, and psychological shifts during these sacred preparations. Speaking to VOC news, an elderly woman, Wardia Sambo, rehashed her first time on Hajj in 1984 at the age of 32 when she left for four and a half months, leaving behind her husband, three young children (ages […]

today12 June 2024


Don’t Nick Hajj Time

This is part of a series written by Dr Salim Parker. More stories at  They were fuming. It seemed whatever that was promised to them did not materialize. The early check-in in Madinah, the City of Peace and Light was non-existent and they had to hang around for a few hours before their room was available in their tired and travel fatigued state. Their agent, contrary to common sense, […]

today26 November 2020


Hajj at what Cost?

 This is part of a series of Hajj Stories by Dr Salim Parker. Visit ‘I cannot perform Hajj this year,’ he said. ‘Please postpone my journey till next year,’ he added. He looked down, dejected and close to tears. His shoulders slouched. He not only was evidently close to tears but was also clearly resigned to his fate. There was no fight in him, no fire to light the […]

today29 October 2020

Tourism – Hajj and Umrah

Postponing Virtual Hajj

This hajj story is written by Dr Salim Parker, known as the hajj doctor. More stories can be found at Hajj 2020 is over. Some close to me kept themselves busy. My Imam, who was supposed to have set off for his half-century of standing at the time of Wuqoof on Arafat, had to stay in isolation at home as his youthful eighty years increased his susceptibility to the […]

today26 August 2020


Pilgrims perform final hajj rituals as Muslims worldwide mark Eid Al-Adha

Small groups of pilgrims performed one of the final rites of the hajj on Friday as Muslims worldwide marked the start of the Eid Al-Adha holiday amid a global pandemic that has impacted nearly every aspect of this year's pilgrimage and celebrations. Around 1,000 pilgrims made their final journey to the Jamarat wall to stone the three pillars, before heading to Makkah to perform prayers at the Grand Mosque and […]

today31 July 2020


Hajj pilgrims spend the night in Muzdalifah after Arafat

Hajj 2020 pilgrims arrived in Muzdalifah on Thursday night to rest after spending the day in Arafat. Earlier, the pilgrims scaled Mount Arafat to pray and repent, as a highly unusual Hajj approached its climax. They listened to a sermon delivered by Sheikh Abdullah Al-Manea and prayed Dhuhr and Asr prayers together at the Al-Namirah Mosque in Arafat. This year’s pilgrimage is the smallest in modern times, after the number […]

today31 July 2020


‘I am an ambassador for our country”, says SA hajji

“I definitely carry the flag of South Africa in my heart and your heartful duas. For those who didn’t get to go  on hajj due to the pandemic, I am your representative and I go as your daughter pleading to Allah to forgive our ummah In Shaa Allah.” These were the powerful words of a tearful Naseem Khan, as she stood on the cusp of the pinnacle of hajj – […]

today30 July 2020


Islam calls for protecting communities against epidemics: Sheikh Al-Manea

Islam's teachings seek to ensure people's health and physical wellbeing, and maintain the cleanliness of oneself and keep the environment clean. The teachings also call for taking measures to protect communities against the spread of epidemics, said Sheikh Abdullah Bin Suleiman Al-Manea, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars and adviser at the Royal Court, in his Arafat sermon. Sheikh Al-Manea quoted a verse from the Holy Qur'an that […]

today30 July 2020


Hajj authorities ready to receive pilgrims on Arafat

The Saudi Health Ministry has completed its preparations to provide medical care for pilgrims who will gather on the plains of Mount Arafat to perform the pinnacle of the Hajj pilgrimage on Thursday, the ninth day of Dul-Hijjah. Health facilities in Arafat have been equipped with general clinics staffed by family doctors, internal consultants and nurses specialized in intensive care, as well as facilities equipped to deal with sunstroke and […]

today30 July 2020

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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