Anton Bredell

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ANC in Western Cape calls for Local Government Minister Bredell’s suspension

Leader of the opposition in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament and ANC member, Cameron Dugmore, has called on Premier Alan Winde to suspend Provincial Minister of Local Government Anton Bredell. Dugmore says several allegations, including maladministration and abuse of power, have been levelled against the provincial minister. He says there is reportedly a secret recording doing the rounds, wherein Bredell colludes with councillors in the Oudtshoorn Municipality to place the […]

today27 June 2020


W Cape assures of disaster season readiness

Western Cape Local Government Minister, Anton Bredell says he is pleased with the province's preparations for the Disaster Management seasaon. Role players from the Disaster Risk Management and the National Sea Rescue Institute have presented their summer readiness plans in Cape Town. Bredell has urged the public to play their part in preventing disasters, which include drowning, car crashes and fires over the summer months. "To be ready to disaster […]

today8 November 2016

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