Al Nusra

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#ShiraazMohamed Update: GoG doctor safely returned to family

Press statement by Gift of the Givers' (GoG) Dr Imtiaz Sooliman: Following the "capture" of Shiraaz Mahommed on Tuesday night in Darkoush one of our medical team members, Dr Ahmad Ghandour, was summoned to the Investigation Department of Al-Nusra (now Fath Al Sham), an ex Al Qaeda affiliate to answer questions on Shiraaz Mahommed. He met two armed indivdiuals in military uniform, their faces veiled, then was taken blindfolded to […]

today15 January 2017

VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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