SAMA diagnoses NHI bill with uncertainty and appeals to the NCOP to reject the bill in its current state

By Daanyaal Matthews 

The South African Medical Association (SAMA) has appealed to the National Council of Provinces to reject the National Health Insurance bill as it currently stands. The organization, that represents over ten thousand medical professionals, has cited issues of uncertainty regarding how the bill would effectively deal with challenges presented with public health infrastructure and the shortage of medical professionals.  

Speaking on VOC Breakfast on Tuesday morning, Dr. Mvuyisi Mzukwa, Chairperson of SAMA, discussed the position of the association but made clear that the organization was not opposed to the bill from an ideological standpoint, stating:  

“We are supportive of universal health coverage, which talks about equitable access to good quality, affordable, and safe, healthcare that would assist citizens with financial hardships.” 

However, while the Doctor was in support of the bill conceptually, he has stressed that the bill is fraught with uncertainty that has raised even further questions on how Government aims to deal with issues that plague the health sector. 

“If we are talking about quality then we must talk about the whole system, cause if we are talking of quality goods and healthcare systems you must really look at the numbers in terms of healthcare professionals in the system. We have a dire shortage of professionals in the country, that the bill is not addressing. We have issues of infrastructure, we have had the minister talk of issues of infrastructure in Parliament, they are looking for money to deal with the infrastructure issue,” said the SAMA Chairperson. 

One primary concern for many is that the introduction of the bill would exacerbate the issue of the Republic lacking medical professionals by facilitating an environment that encourages current medical officials to leave the republic with the SAMA chairperson highlighting uncertainty as a primary concern for medical professionals. 

“The concern has been the uncertainty around the bill itself because there have been so many issues in the bill that have not been cleared out such as benefits. The benefits have not defined. The role of specialists in the systems have not been defined. The role of GP’s, in terms of what they suggested they conduct in the district, has not been defined. The premium model has not been defined. Another issue is there is no proof of concept, it has not been tested anywhere,” said Dr. Mzukwa. 

The South African Medical Association has however expressed faith that they can discuss these issues with the Government but has been clear that up to this point the association has not had talks with the portfolio committee, with Dr. Mzukwa stating: 

“There has never been, not even a single time, where we were called upon to have an engagement with the portfolio committee on these matters and hear them out. Have them comment on the issues we are raising.” 


Picture of Aneeqa Du Plessis
Aneeqa Du Plessis

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