The South African Hajj and Umrah Council (Sahuc) says it has placed the list of 1st time hujjaj applicants on its website which will assist people to gauge where they are in the queue.
South Africa has an extensive waiting list due to the limited quota that has been afforded to the country by Saudi Arabian authorities.
The current quota has been increased to 2500 following the completion of construction in the haram in Makkah.
SAHUC’s Shaheen Essop says while they have uploaded the list of names of first time hujjaj on the website it could change as a result of queries.
He says the list is unique as SAHUC has indicated the year of application for each hajji.
“People can then see what positions they are on the list. This is a dynamic list and this list would change when legitimate queries are dealt with via the various SAHUC offices. People must understand this is not an accredited list, it is a registration list.”
Essop also says the awaiting accreditation list has grown close to 30,000 people.
“This is first time eligible hujjaj. This is people who have applied and fulfilled their application by completing all aspects of application and making the necessary payment timeously”
Essop says they have also sought clarity from the Kingdom about the payment of additional fees if a person has performed Umrah more than once in a Hijri year.
“We need a little bit more clarity because what the message says that, if you made Umrah last year you will be subjected to a fee this year.
“This is not what they did last year. Last year they said that if you make Umrah within one Hijri year, then you will not pay the fee for the next Hijri year. If you make multiple Umrah in one Hijri year, then you will pay the fee on the second time you make Umrah.”
Essop says South Africa’s current quota will be discussed at the protocol discussion in January.
To check the list, click here:
[Source: Faizel Patel/Radio Islam]