Ruyterwacht mosque urgently seeks support to secure new property

The Ruyterwacht Mosque urgently needs support to purchase a property across from its current location. The mosque, which operates weekly feeding programs, a madrassa, and other community projects, hopes to secure this site for continued community outreach.

Ruyterwacht Mosque Secretary Rashaad Fataar shared an update: “The property being bought for the house of Allah is across from the masjid, and we’ve encountered challenges. We’ve been granted an extension to raise the shortfall, with a deadline set by the attorney for 2nd January 2025. We currently face a shortfall of R350,000, having collected over R1.2 million so far.”

Fataar emphasized, “This is a unique chance is an opportunity for Sadaqah Jaariyyah. Assistance in this cause is highly valuable.”

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VOC News

Photo: Pixabay

Picture of Lee-Yandra Paulsen
Lee-Yandra Paulsen

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VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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