As of March 2025, the public will have access to the National Register for Sex Offenders.
Speaking across VOC’s airwaves, Professor Salomé Human-Vogel, Associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Pretoria said this is a significant victory as organisations have been promoting this change.
“It also comes as a startling statistic from a recent survey showed that more than 16,000 instructors have criminal histories that include everything from murder to sexual offenses. Now that people are actively able to access the list, schools who employ any staff would be able to properly screen these individuals and ensure that they are not subjecting children to people who may have a criminal record,” she added.
Human-Vogel further added that this could also ensure that parents know exactly who their children are surrounded by, making it easier to ensure their safety.
“I think this register being made easily accessible is a method that parents could use to their benefit. You would be able to know whoever is around your children and you would be able to effectively keep them safe, away from those who may pose a threat,” she stressed.
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