Salt River, Cape Town  13 September 2024

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Preparations underway for Bo-Kaap ‘doekmal’

Preparations are underway for the official re-naming ceremony of the Bo-Kaap. The event comes after Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, approved the application from the Bo-Kaap Civic and Ratepayers’ Association (BKCRA) to officially adopt the name “Bo-Kaap” and change the borders of the area. The area had previously been divided into three areas, named Schotsche-kloof, Stad-zicht and Schoone Kloof, all of which had Dutch origins.

The event kicks off on Thursday evening after Maghrib with a thikr at the Auwal Mosque, the oldest masjid in South Africa.

This historic event will take place on Saturday, 17 December 2016. The programme for the day is as follows:
08h00am – 10h00am Symbolic Doekmal walk along the new 4km boundary of Bo-Kaap, from Wale Street and ending at the Boorhanol Centre in Pentz Street.
10h00am – 11h00am Minister of Arts & Culture Nathi Mtethwa to unveil signboard in Wale Street
110h00am – 13h00am Main event that includes speeches and cultural items at the Boorhanol Centre in Pentz Street.

The keynote address will delivered by Minister Nathi Mthethwa. Other speakers include: Minister Derek Hanekom and community leaders.

The first 900 people to complete the Doekmal Walk will receive a medal and a plate of treats fondly referred to by the local community as a barakat.

Other activities planned for the day include food stalls with traditional Cape Malay cuisine, entertainment by the Signals Singkoor, Cape Malay Choir Board and 7 Steps Minstrels and guided tours through the streets of Bo-Kaap.

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Voice of the Cape

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VOC became the first Muslim radio station in South Africa when a special events license was granted to the station in Ramadan/January 1995. Subsequent temporary broadcast licenses were granted, permitting the station to broadcast for 24 hours.

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