Salt River, Cape Town  8 October 2024

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Nurse delivers baby in car during lunch break

A Melomed nurse, Sister Njapha, became a hero when she delivered a healthy baby boy in the parking lot of the Mitchells Plain Melomed hospital last week Thursday.

According to a statement released by Group Marketing Manager Shameema Adams, Sr Njapha was alerted by a frantic man during her afternoon lunch break that a woman was going into labour in a nearby vehicle despite her due date being later this month.

Sr Njapha delivered the baby within 15 minutes before the hospital’s trauma staff assisted by cutting the umbilical cord. The mother of two was then transported to the maternity ward for further treatment.

The mother and baby are in good health.

“The mother has expressed her deep appreciation for the swift response and assistance provided by our nurse who was on her lunch break at the time. She is amazed to have given birth to her baby in the car at our parking lot, surrounded by our qualified Melomed staff,” added Adams.

The baby boy was named Nhanhlanhla (meaning “Lucky” in English) by his mother.


Picture of Aneeqa Du Plessis
Aneeqa Du Plessis

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