Salt River, Cape Town  19 September 2024

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Ayesha Laatoe

What was your best on air moment?

Coming in to studio one night to confront the person who “stalked” me. I handled it great!

Where did you go to school/ study?

I was at Talfalah Primary, Silverstream High and Rylands High Schools and then I studied Nursing Grassroots Education and Training (GSH) in Worcester.

What brought you to the VOC?

The belief that I had something to offer and I could make a difference in the lives of many people.

Any memorable interviews or features you have done?

Too many to mention but OBs and being part of making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. Also dealing with communities and realizing how huge the need is…that is humbling.

After so many years at VOC, what still inspires you?

The honesty, smiles, appreciation and positive attitude of the voc listeners.

What do you like to do when you are not on the radio?

I take my children out to places of interest. I make sure that they don’t feel neglected or take a back seat. I am also involved in the community.

What does the VOC mean to you?

It is part of Ayesha Laatoe. We are one huge happy family. The big difference is I tune in and not just work at the VOC.

Tell us something interesting about yourself?

I enjoy being creative and trying different things. I sew clothing for the girls and myself. And I make up poems to express myself.

What makes you laugh?

Do I need a reason to laugh?

Favourite food:

Pumpkin stew, strong and sweet.

Favourite quotation:

“If you can’t beat them – don’t join them – stand out, be different.” That is what makes us all unique.

I can’t get through the day without:

Seeing my kids smile at me. And when I drop the little ones off at school and they say, “Love you, Mommy.” So sweet hey!

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