A man was reportedly shot six times outside the Hussami masjid in Cravenby after Jumuah on Friday afternoon. The mosque committee said the man was shot as he left the masjid and died on the scene. The man was 53 years old and known as Mukhtar Parker.
An eyewitness who lives in a nearby flat told VOC News she heard the shots being fired but did not see what happened. It’s believed his son was waiting in the car outside the mosque when his father got shot.
The masjid’s Shaykh Riad Fataar said while the man was not a regular musallee, he had seen the man at the masjid for Jumuah before. It’s uncertain if the shooting is gang related.
On social media, some musallees expressed shock and anger.
Police could not provide any details, but said they were investigating the incident. VOC