Former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela has refused to comment about the alleged leaking of an audio recording. Madonsela was one of the recipients of the Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha Award in an event held in Durban on Monday night.
The audio recording carried recordings of her meeting with the President when Madonsela was doing her investigation into the alleged State of Capture.
The audio recordings were allegedly leaked to one of the TV stations.
Meanwhile Madonsela says she is unshaken by the utterances of the ANCYL when they accused her of being the puppet of the DA.
She says she knew from the onset that there would be mixed feelings about her investigation into the alleged state of capture.
“I also had no illusions as we completed this report. I knew that there would be people who will be happy that it strengthens our constitutional democracy and sheds some light on a very difficult issue. I knew that there are those who feel that this matter should have been investigated upfront to make sure we know who is lying and who is not lying because otherwise it creates turbulence when we don’t know whether our state or part of our state are being controlled by the outsiders or not. But I also knew that there are those who rather the truth never comes to light and of course who don’t want the truth to come to light would be angry with me.”
[Source: SABC]