The South African Police Service (SAPS) on Sunday confirmed that the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of 43-year-old Aneesa Arrison and her 21-year-old son, Waseem Arrison, remain under investigation. The incident included the shooting of Arrisons14-year-old twin boys, Yaqoob and Yusuf. While Yusuf is currently fighting for his life, after a bullet was lodged in his brain, Yaqoob, who was shot in the hand, is stable. The incident occurred at approximately 6am on Saturday at a house in Bernadino Heights, Orange Street, Kraaifontein.
Speaking to VOC News, SAPS’s Lt Col André Traut confirmed that a murder, attempted murder and inquest case has been opened for further investigation.
The janaza of Aneesa and Waseem Arrison is scheduled to proceed at 4pm on Sunday from 70, Second Avenue, Sherwood Park, and will proceed to the Johnstone Road Maqbara.