Customer inflation basket updated by Stats SA

The consumer inflation basket has been redesigned by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), which has added 71 items, eliminated 53, and rearranged 29.

While things like ground coffee and satellite TV decoders were discontinued, new inclusions include gas cylinders, school uniforms, streaming services, and basmati rice.

Patrick Kelly, chief director for price statistics said the updated product weights show rising food and telecom expenditures. Kelly claimed that the revised basket, which now contains 391 items, will have an impact on February’s inflation data.

“It will now also be possible to track education inflation separately for private and public schools as well as on a university level. Municipal services are expanded including refuse collection and sewage removal. The rise in e-hailing services ensured its inclusion as a new item. Driving licenses and post office box rentals no longer make the cut,” he added.

Image: Pixabay

Picture of Loushe Jordaan Gilbert
Loushe Jordaan Gilbert

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