Western Cape Transport MEC Daylin Mitchell says the B97 minibus taxi route between Mbekweni in Paarl and Bellville will today, be closed for a further three months. Mitchell says mediation efforts to quell tensions between taxi operators have failed.
“I took the decision to extend the closure of the route after concerted efforts to stop violence between operators affiliated to the Cape Amalgamated Taxi Association (CATA) and the Congress of Democratic Taxi Associations (CODETA) failed. These decisions were taken after a series of efforts by regulatory stakeholders to resolve the impasse between the affected parties had not been successful. The violence had continued unabated and more lives had been lost. These interventions included, inter-alia, several mediation efforts, peace conferences, a pre-arbitration agreement in which both agreed to refer the matter to arbitration and to abide by the outcome thereof and a ceasefire agreement.”
Violence, damage to property and a loss of life are ongoing.
“The final notice confirming these extra-ordinary measures was published under Provincial Notice 77/2021 and Provincial Gazette 8467dated 23 July 2021, and amended by Provincial Notices 82/2021in Provincial Gazette 8475 dated 6 August 2021 and 111/2021 in Provincial Gazette 8496 dated 23 September 2021. ”
“Notice 77/2021, read with Notice 82/2021, stated that the extra-ordinary measures would in place for a period of two months. This was later amended in Notice 111/2021 to refer to a four-month period. The period in respect of which the extra-ordinary measures apply expires 25 November 2021.”
Mitchell says a notice was published on Tuesday, giving vested parties 24 hours to make representations, where only one was received.