MJC releases fatwa on homosexuality

On the heels of Pride month last month, the Muslim Judicial Council has published a fatwa on homosexuality. The MJC admitted that a “short fatwa” does not cater to the “multi-faceted discussion” which needs to be held.
The fatwa clarifies that Islam’s primary sources of legislation are the Qur’an, Sunnah and Ijma – or scholarly consensus- all of which “unequivocally prohibit same-sex actions and, by extension, same-sex marriage”.
The MJC says that those who reject the rulings of Allah “have taken themselves out of the fold of Islam”. The Council however advised the Muslim community not to spread hatred and to commend those striving against their desires. It further encouraged “such persons to turn closely to Allah for strength,” particularly during the holy days of Thul Hijja.
The fatwa also urged Muslim parents to be active in the education of their children and defended their right to teach children the rulings of Islam.
Read the full statement below:
Picture of Tauhierah Salie
Tauhierah Salie

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