By Thakira Desai
In what should have been an evening of laughter, comedian Yusuf (Joey) Rasdien got the raw end of the ‘comedic stick’ by taking a risk that no Muslim comedian dares to take. Speaking at the Ilm Arts Festival Marriage Conference at the Sandton Convention Centre yesterday, Rasdien’s act drew angry calls from the crowd, all urging him to leave the stage.
The popular comedian’s act appeared to have been received well, until he began discussing Abu Hureira, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad [may peace be upon them].
Opening the segment emphatically stating that “this is going to be controversial”, Rasdien questioned how Abu Hureira could have written more than 40 000 ahadith of the messenger of Allah, in just two years.
“There’s 365 days in a year, which makes it 740 days in two years, which gives you 1440 minutes per day, plus you must sleep! How can you write 40 000 hadiths in two years?” Rasdien stated, in his usually animated comedic style.
Despite the audience’s apparent shock, it was only after Rasdien began taking a dig at a lady seated in the front row that attendees called for him to be removed from stage.
Following the incident, the organizers of the event, released a statement in which they publicly asserted their respect for the companions of the Prophet [may peace be upon them].
“We would like to put on record that the objective of our programme is to highlight the radiant example of the Prophet [ may peace be upon him] and his noble companions in various aspects of our lives.”
“A number of our speakers throughout the day enlightened the audience with examples from the blessed Seerah and the lives of the esteemed Sahabah on how to achieve marital bliss, effective parenting and societal reform,” the statement read.
The organizers further stated that Rasdien’s comments were “unacceptable.”
“The organizers ensured that Joey Rasdien’s slot did not continue, immediately dissociated themselves from the remarks, and on multiple occasions thereafter clarified that what had happened was totally UNACCEPTABLE.”
Once the incident made the rounds on social media, Rasdien apologized on Twitter, appealing for forgiveness from his supporters.
“I underestimated the hurt you felt by my utterances, which were meant to be “purely satirical,” Rasdien’s Twitter post read.
An account of the incident by a member of the audience
Speaking to VOC, one attendee to the event who requested to remain anonymous says Rasdien showed a willingness to discuss the debacle, but was met with an angry mob of swearing men.
He says that after the Marriage Conference, Rasdien’s act began as part of the Ilm Arts Festival,which was showcasing local talent.
“A lot of People were really looking forward to Joey Rasdien. So, the talk started and Joey Rasdien started off alright, but to be fair, he was a bit crude, he made a few comments that were sexual in nature and I don’t think it was the right audience to talk about that. Then he made this joke of Abu Hureira…It was in bad taste and a very bad joke.”
According to the attendee, when commotion came from the crowd, Rasdien stated his willingness to discuss any concerns that members of the audience may have.
“He made the joke and then carried on for the next 10 or 15 minutes. There were [some] 3000 people in that auditorium, [thereafter] we heard them screaming at the back, there were people swearing and telling him to get off stage, saying ‘how can you make a joke about the sahaba’ – I mean they had a point.”
“Then he said ‘is there something I said? You know uncle we can talk about it’. There were quite a few guys – possibly 10 or 15, possibly even 20 guys, telling him to get off stage. Then he said ‘if there is something [of concern] let’s sit down and discuss it, because I am human and i make mistakes’…Then the screaming match continued.”
Following increased calls from the audience for him to get off stage, the organizers requested him to leave the stage. Rasdien leaving the stage through the back exit.
“These men went and pushed passed security. We don’t know what happened in the back, but we just heard a big screaming match and it was obvious to the crowd that Joey was in danger of getting beaten up.”
While stating that he is not aware of the men belonging to any particular group or organization, he says that there remains a lot of “extremist conservative opinions” voiced at the Muslim marriage conference. A concern that he says has attracted critique of the event.
The attendee further notes that what was “sad” was the fact that a number of non-Muslims were also in attendance at the event.
“There were non-Muslims in the audience; I must have met 15 people in the audience who said that they were on the verge of becoming Muslim.”
Despite the show continuing, he says that the mood changed within the auditorium, with what appeared to be half of the auditorium leaving the event.
He concluded that while the organizers did make it clear they solved the issue and apologized for the incident, “all three parties are to blame.”
“I think Joey is partly to blame, because it wasn’t right what he said. I think the organizers are to blame, because the security personnel were not strong enough, which gave the impression that Joey’s life was in danger and I think the guys at the back who were screaming and swearing were also to blame, because they were swearing with young kids and non-Muslims in the audience – It’s not a good way to solve your problems.”
Social media users quickly joined the conversation, sharing both their disbelief and anger at the incident.
“It is more important not to have any negative belief regarding the companions of the Prophet Muhammad [may peace be upon him],” stated Obeidullah Bhoja.
“…. I as a Muslim, do not need your maaf, because my disappointment is nothing compared to that of the Almighty and our beloved Rasool [may peace be upon him],”Added Azraa Bericks Ismail.
While others showed support for Rasdien, requesting forgiveness for what they describe to be a mistake with no intent to harm.
“Technically JR asked a [question], so why not try to answer the [question],” urged Junaid Bhayat.
@The_Lindaleine called out Twitter commentators on their apparent hypocrisy: “Judge much Twitter-holies?! I trust they move on Yusuf. Everyone upsets someone sometimes, without intent to harm. Peace.”
Upon requesting comment from the organizers of the event, VOC News was informed that “at the moment, the organizers have no comment.”
VOC 91.3fm